Have you ever asked yourself who or what a prostitute really is.. well this article may enlighten a few of you.
Firstly let me share with you that a prostitute,working girl, hooker, service provider or any other name you wish to give her is actually just a girl. I have been working within the sex industry for several years and in this time have made some close connections. I will also be honest and admit that before I opened my eyes I too judged service providers as drugged up, messed up confused, low self esteem losers, when in actual fact it was I that was the loser.
Working girls in the majority are just like you and me they are business woman they have dreams and goals to achieve… they are sassy, sophisticated and many are in touch with themselves. Yes it is true that there are drugs used within the industry yet no more than in the corporate world..How many physicians, doctors,lawyers,brokers,CEO’s etc pop pills to enable then to focus on the job at hand or to work 70+ hours a week.
Sex workers provide a service that is a natural part of been human, we all have urges and need intimate connections and for someone to pay us attention even if it is just for a short time.Therefore those who judge a girl whom has chosen to profit from using her assets in my opinion is quiet narrow minded and even on some level jealous. I could even go to suggest that they are jealous as they too have the urge to embrace their sexuality and use it yet are too worried about what society may say and how they would be judged that they stay wrapped up in their cotton wool box and judge others.
Since working along side these girls I have found that I have learnt a lot more about life, that you should never judge a book by its cover as behind that shabby cover could be a pot of gold and believe me when I say I have found many hearts of gold and inspirational woman in this industry. I too have learnt a lot about myself and my beliefs and how I even judge myself in life. I am not ashamed of who I am and the fact that I enjoy my work… I do enjoy sex on many levels, I can differentiated sex from making love. really sex is a form of stress relief and a lot better for you than popping Valium or any other type of prescription medicine.
Many of you might ask what about the health issues, sexually transmitted diseases, aren’t girls working in this industry asking for trouble, again let me stress although we may not be all qualified nurses etc we are all trained professionally in ensuring all safety precautions are adhered too and at least in the state I live in, maintain our health check ups on a regular basis. Since providing this service, I have become more diligent when having sex in my personal life as well as my working life. The feeling you get to know that you are 100 per cent healthy… that is something no dollar figure can compete with. Many men still even though it is a criminal offence still ask for natural oral, you feel like knocking their heads against the wall… seriously why would you really wish to go down on a service provider after she has seen several clients fair enough in your private life if you know your partner orpartners are safe and have been checked then that’s different, yet professionally its more like a death sentence in a way.
So just to recap sex workers are no different to you or I, after all they are just earning a living. They are in many ways a lot wiser than many of us and never make the mistake of generalizing all sex workers, thinking that they are ditzy,and have no others skills than lying on their backs.
pups x
Thursday, April 19, 2007
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1 comment:
Gillette Says:
March 16th, 2007 at 3:39 pm
There are tons of Escort and Courtesan blogs on the net, each written by a women who approaches this in her own way. All are interesting, intelligent women who have their act together on tons of levels. There are all sorts of levels of this work, and each is represented: medium priced, high end, elite, mistresses, Courtesan, Sacred Healers.
One nice thing about the internet and this world of blogs is that you don’t have to just hear this message from one person…there are many of us. Come visit….
See The Courtesan Connection (not my site) for a list of all the Escort blogs.
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