Thursday, April 19, 2007


Whore, slut, and loose woman, these are all words that have been used to label a prostitute. What is a prostitute, according to the Readers Digest Universal dictionary a prostitute is one who solicits and accepts payment for sex or sexual services, relating mainly to a woman or girl. It also defines the word as someone whom sells or degrades his or her abilities or name for money or an unworthy cause.
A prostitute though in my opinion provides a very specialized intense service in personal development and satisfaction.. Ok, ok yes there are those that just lay or their backs in the missionary position and collect the money at the end of the day, and if that’s the case so what, who are we to judge how and by what means people especially woman earn their money. However there are those that use this gift they have to be of service, to nurture, to educate, to change peoples lives.
Prostitution has been described as a “social evil” of gigantic proportions, to me those that have labeled and named prostitutes as dirty, unworthy women lacking morals, just do not understand. What I get are they are people who are trapped in their beliefs, their “perfect little world” (which of course I was once in) and refuse to step out of the box due to fear, from confusion and judgement.
I do not speak for all women yet as a woman in a so called “mans world”, and one who embraces her sexuality, I urge each and everyone of you, connect with your true animal instincts, experiment with sex, embrace your sexuality use it enjoy it, we are all prostitutes at the end of the day. By definition prostitution can be labeled as an honorable service, it provides and outlet for growth, for exploration, for learning and in truth is that not what life is about.

pups x

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